However It seems to have almost accidentally dismantled Christianity.
I have only recently come to this conclusion. Previously I would have said it was perfectly fine for a Christian to believe in evolution. To believe that evolution was the method in which God created complex things. That evolution is guided by God. I know many Christians who believe just that.
But after watching a debate on the subject. I had an epiphany. A moment of clarity, in which I realized that evolution and Christianity are not compatible.
To be clear here, not evolution and God are incompatible, but evolution and christianity.
Evolution explains how complexity came to be. It is not a belief but a understanding. One does not believe in evolution. You either understand it or you don't. It explains how complex organisms came to be complex. It is supported by an immense amount of evidence.
Christianity explains how we got here in a different way.
Christianity explains we are all direct descendants of Adam and Eve. That the universe was created in 6 days.
If you accept evolution as fact you dismiss Adam and Eve as a story.
If you dismiss Adam and Eve you lose the fall of man and original sin.
Without original sin you lose Jesus. At least he had nothing to die for.
Without original sin the church can't tell you that you are born a sinner. That you are born broken and that only the church can fix you.
Evolution sends shockwaves throughout Christianity that I hadn't fully realized.
I now understand why creationists are so passionate when it comes to fighting evolution and sneaking creationism into schools. Why they need to lie and misrepresent the facts of evolution to children. (and to themselves)
Their entire religion is at stake.
Well it looks like someone decided to take his gloves off! I can't wait to put money on the bare knuckle brawl you're about to get into with the internet.